Get unstuck!
Just 5 minutes a day to change your thinking habits
Have you ever noticed that some people assume the best in situations? While some people are born with this gift of seeing the glass half full, many others tend to assume the worst. Our daily lives are full of situations that are unclear or uncertain in some way. This mental habit of always jumping to negative conclusions can have a frequent and deep impact on how you feel and keep you stuck -
HabitWorks can help!
​Interested in trying HabitWorks? Click the button below to see if you're eligible!

The development of HabitWorks was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (MH113600)

HabitWorks includes:
One size does not fit all! HabitWorks will only show you content that is relevant to your life and what you worry about. You can change your personalization settings at any time.

Many people find mood tracking to be helpful. HabitWorks will remind you to check-in once a week. If you want to check-in more often, the Mood Check-In is available on the
dashboard of the app for your convenience!
Habitdiary helps you connect your exercise practice to your real life and reflect on how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are changing.

HabitWorks exercises are personalized to your specific concerns and take only 5 minutes to complete. The exercises are simple, yet effective in shifting mental habits.